Monday, November 10, 2008

The economy

Yes we have a new president. Some republican said that blacks only voted for Obama because he is black instead of his qualification. We as a people fail to see that he has all the qualification as a great leader. We should not look at him as a black man or a bi-racial man we should look at him as a man that's going to lead us in the right direction. One who will stay the course no matter how rough it gets. We voted for Bush for 2 terms not because he is white but because we thought he could make a difference, instead the country went in the "tiolet" we don't need to go through that ever again. For 8 years I watched this country make a slow and steady decline. We offended other countries, we invaded other countries as if we have the power and our word is final. Yes America is the strongest country well use to be the strongest country and other countries look to us to make the first step and then they follow our lead but for the past 8 years we have become a joke. No other country feared us, they saw America as a disappointment.

I know that John McCain choose Sara Palin to be his running mate to win the female voters after Hilliary Clinton dropped out of the race but I think she did him an injustice. I listend to her speak and yes she was charming and tried to talk to normal people like myself only her speach turned me off because while the country was falling apart she was talking about Joe Sixpack and the soccer mom's but those are the people that's loosing their homes and their jobs and struggles everyday to put food on the table. Hey I am not saying that she did not reach some of those people that have millions of dollars in the bank but what about those that live pay check to pay check. I can imagine that had McCain win this country would be in a worst position than it's in right now. In Sara's debate with Senator Biden she side step questions and when she did not know how to answer she returned to questions that was already asked and answered. Lets be real she has no idea how to run a country. Yes she might be doing a good job in Alaska but that's all she talks about as if its the only state in the country. Our problem was made to look like it did not matter because she solved the energy problem in Alaska so she can solve it for the rest of the country. That's a real joke. And onto McCain who decided that Joe the Plumer was the most important person in his campaign that to me was the funniest thing because this one guy has a company or is purchasing one and will make over $250 thousand dollars he will have to pay more taxes and why not? We all have to pay our share of taxes. Why should the rich keep getting richer while the little person like me struggle to put food on the table and gas in my car. The rich should do their parts and there should not be loop holes for them to get out of paying their fair share of taxes. I don't know but this country needs a shot of "B12" and I know that come January 20, 2009 we will get that shot of "B12" and we will take off like a "race horse" and we will not look back neither will we stop until we reach the finish line.

Our new president or should I say president elect. The entire world is cheering for him to take a stand and take control back from the mess that he will be left with to clean up. He have to "pick up the cross and bear the pain" the pain of righting the wrongs that was made by taking control the world will stand up and take notice. They will know that we are a country of one. I grew up in a country where our moto was "Out of Many One People" and I know that we can work as one to clean up this mess. Take control of the economy because this country is falling apart. Financially we are in the tiolet.

I would love to see our president make big business pay higher taxes for shipping our jobs overseas. We are making other countries rich while we are in the poor house. I need an explanation of how Iraq have a surplus of cash while we have a deficit? Can anyone answer the question does that make any sense? Seriously this is a tragedy.

Our government is spending billions of dollars bailing out big businesses but they forget about the little people. We don't seem to matter. We pay our taxes and yet we can't afford to survive. AIG took our money and had a vacation at our expense and again we are bailing them out. They got a slap on the wrist seriously none of this makes sense to me.
I found an article written by Jeannine Aversa "Back on Sept. 16, the Federal Reserve initially provided AIG with a $85 billion loan, in return for a nearly 80 percent ownership stake. On Oct. 8, the Fed followed up with another, $37.8 billion loan".
This is a complete melt down. There is money leaking out of AIG faster than they can fill the hole its leaking from.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

human resource and benefits

Human resource constantly changes with the times and we have to keep up. Employees lives are affected everyday by the way human resource view employees and the requirement for a position and employees have to constantly train for the new markets or they will be left behind.
I found this information today "The pace of change involving 'back office' functions is increasing and HR services are being assigned to implement re-structures, create new job profiles and supply regular performance management data".
According to the biz journal "Manufacturing companies are being phased out more and more everyday and the jobs are being shipped overseas and the sad part of it is our government give tax breaks to the companies that ship those jobs".
I read where "hiring in the manufacturing and service sectors is at the lowest rate in four years". But we are still allowing our jobs to be sent overseas and yes our government is giving companies a tax break to ship away our jobs and I am at the stage where I believe in order for me to get a job I will have to move to foreign country. Our wages and benefits are being cut employers asking us to pay more out of pocket for insurance while they cut our pay.
"health insurance costs have soared more than 25 percent over the past two years. health insurance premium increases for many businesses in the region in 2009 are slated to be between 8 percent and 15 percent, brokers say". What is a working person to do? when will there be some relief. Our new president said he will step in and revamp our health care system because its draining our pocket books.

"health care coverage for individual employees increased 53.6 percent from 2000 to 2007", according to a new study released in October by Families USA, a health care advocacy group.
“To cut costs, businesses either have to reduce benefits or require greater contributions,” said Kathy Simmons, CEO of Group Benefit Services. Kathy have the right idea but its going to take a true miracle to fix the health care system.
People are afraid to go to the doctor because they have no insurance and cannot afford to pay for it out of pocket so they are dying in the street with no help to recover from the huge health insurance problem we are going to fall by the wayside.

"Companies are increasing copayments by about $10 or $20 for doctor visits and increasing fees for hospitalization. Some companies are asking employees to pay more for coverage of a spouse or family member.^1725434&brthrs=1